Iridology services in Geelong
Alice Nature’s iridology services in Geelong can provide a wealth of information on your health and wellbeing.
The iris, the coloured part of your eye, is connected by a neural roadmap to your brain and body systems. By carefully reading the iris, we can discover how your constitution is performing and gauge the health of your body’s systems and organs. This valuable assessment tool is effective and non-invasive – and it can help people tread a path to a happier, healthier life.
Your irises are unique to you. And so is the personal story irises reveal when interpreted by our highly-trained iridologists in Geelong. We study their patterns, rings, colours and numerous other individual features to get a more complete understanding of your overall health on a systemic level. The iris gives us a window into past health issues and current ones, while warning us of possible future concerns.
When it comes to iridology Geelong people fall into three main constitution types:
- The Lymphatic constitution, marked by blue-coloured iris;
- The Hematogenic constitution, where the iris is a true brown; and
- The Mixed Biliary constitution, which is a mix of the two, sometimes seen as a green or yellow eye.
Using our iridology services can help you learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of your body’s organs and systems. And that’s a great starting point to charting a proactive course to better health.
Contact us to learn more about this and our other services, including nutritional advice and perinatal care.